
Vrijdagmiddag 12 oktober 2018, Seminar  

Future of Technology - Future of Women in Europe & The Netherlands.

Why don’t European girls like science or technology?

Although research has made clear that girls are no less talented than boys in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), girls and women are still under represented in (STEM) fields in higher education and in the labour market. This is a loss for girls/women as well as society. Girls/women have equal rights as boys/men to develop their STEM talents, and society would benefit from fully exploiting all available talent. Increasing opportunities for women in these fields is an important step towards realizing greater economic success and equality for women across the board.

Over the past decade, employment in Europe’s technology sector has grown three times faster than overall employment. Governments, businesses and individuals are learning to adapt to and embrace what has been called the “fourth industrial revolution”. Advances in technology have made autonomous vehicles, robotics, 3D-printing, genetic diagnostics and the Internet of Things more than a reality; they have become commonplace.

This new world needs skilled scientists, engineers and technicians of both genders who have experience in STEM subjects over a long period. Europe could face a shortage of up to 900,000 skilled information and communication technology workers by 2020, according to the European Commission (EC). If we had as many women as men in the digital jobs market, the EU’s annual GDP could be boosted by €9 billion, the EC added.

Thus the technical sector seems to be a promising field also for women. But what challenges do they face, what skills are needed? How do we improve the working conditions in STEM professions in Europe and in the Netherlands, so more women will chose STEM studies and professions?

We also want to discuss the outcome of the conference ‘Women in STEM professions, Challenges - Support – Education’, which was held in June of this year in Rome, organised by  our Italian sister association FILDIS, (Federazione Italiana Laureate e Diplomate Istituti Superiori) under the auspices of our European NGO,  the University Women of Europe (UWE),

Plaats: Huis van Europa, Korte Vijverberg 5-6, 2513 AB Den Haag

Tijd: 15.00-17.30 uur

Aanmelding: graag via voor 10 oktober 2018






GWI-NL is de Nederlandse vereniging van de wereldwijde
koepelorganisatie Graduate Women International (GWI)

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